
Time Spans And Resolutions


All date times reflect the browsers specific timezone and can not be adapted.

Time span

The time span is the selected range of time in which data should be considered. The start date time of a time span is always included while its end date time is excluded.

Example: 2022-08-30T00:00:00 (incl.) - 2022-08-31T00:00:00 (excl.)

We provide the following time spans with predefined lengths:

Todayincludes exactly those data points collected today, starting at 00:00 ending at the current time of day.
Yesterdayincludes exactly those data points collected yesterday, starting at 00:00 of yesterday ending at 00:00 of today
7 daysincludes exaclty data points from the last 7 complete days and those of the day that has started up to the current time of day.
1 Monthincludes at least* data points from the last complete month and those of the month that has started up to the current time of day.
3 Monthincludes at least* data points from the last 3 complete month and those of the month that has started up to the current time of day.
6 Monthincludes at least* data points from the last 6 complete month and those of the month that has started up to the current time of day.
12 Monthincludes at least* data points from the last 12 complete month and those of the month that has started up to the current time of day.


The actual length of the selected time span is automatically extended to cover full time bins depending on the selected resolution! See Availabilities and Combinations.


The resolution is the length of the time spans of the individual bins, also called time bins, used in series charts. The combination of the selected time span and the resolution defines the actual length of the time span and thus the number of series data points presented in series charts.

Example: A selected time span of *1 day* with resolution *hour* produces 24 time bins. While a selected time span of *7 days* and resolution of *day* produces 8 time bins, the last seven complete days and the current incomplete(!) day.

We support the following predefined resolutions:

Hourone time bin always starts at hh:00 and has the length of either one hour or the current incomplete hour*.
Dayone time bin always starts at 00:00 of the day and has the length of either one day * or the current _incomplete day_.
Weekone time bin always starts Mondays 00:00 of the week and has the lngth of either one week or the current incomplete week*.
Monthone time bin always starts at the first of the month 00:00 and has the length of either the month in question or the current incomplete month*.

*Incomplete Bins

The last bin of a time series is always an incomplete time bin ending at the current date time.

Availabilities and Combinations

The following combinations of time spans and resolutions are available. Assuming the current date time now = 2022-08-30T22:37:50 the table shows the exact final time spans for the individual combinations:

today2022-08-30* - nown.a.n.a.n.a.
yesterday2022-08-29* - 2022-08-30*n.a.n.a.n.a.
7 daysn.a.2022-08-23* - nown.a.n.a.
1 monthn.a.2022-07-01* - now2022-06-27* - nown.a.
3 monthsn.a.2022-05-01* - now2022-04-25* - now2022-05-01* - now
6 monthsn.a.2022-03-01* - now2022-02-28* - now2022-03-01* - now
12 monthsn.a.2021-08-01* - now2021-07-26* - now2021-08-01* - now

*Note, we omit the time (T00:00:00) of the date times for readability.

Comparison To Previous Time Span

We provide a comparison for each summary chart of each domain. Here, for each summary KPI there is a comparison with the time span having the same duration directly preceding the current time span. The change between the current value and the comparison value is presented as percentages. Images
