In the following we clarify the most important terminologies used in this section and in the chart descriptions.
User Message
A user message is a single message sent by a user either to a bot (bot conversation) or to a human live agent (agent conversation).
Bot Conversation
A bot conversation describes a set of messages sent between a user and a bot.
Agent Conversation
An agent conversation describes a set of messages sent between a user and a human live agent.
Message Types
There are three different message types considered in a bot conversation. Messages sent within an agent conversation are not typed.
- A freetext message is a plain text sent by a user.
- A button message is a payload-enriched text sent by a user by clicking on a previously recieved button. We do not distinguish between quickreply and persitent buttons!
- A media message is type of binary media file (image, video, voice, etc.) sent by a user.
Active user
An active user is considered a user that has sent at least one message within the selected time span.
Here we describe the summary and series charts and KPIs for the Message domain.
Message Summary
The message summary view offers several analytics regarding:
- Messages received Total number of user messages sent in the selected time period. This includes both, messages sent during handover to a human live agent as well as messages sent to a bot.
- Messages per user Average number of user messages, including both messages sent during handover to a human live agent as well as sent to a bot.
- Free text input Total number of freetext user messages sent in bot conversations.
- Parse rate The parse rate is computed by the number of interpretable freetext user messages divided by the total number of freetext user messages sent in bot conversations.
Message Series
There are three message series KPI charts:
Message types
Number of user messages sent in a bot conversation per bin, categorized by their type.
Message bot/live
Total number of user messages per bin, categorized by whether they were sent in a bot or agent conversation.
Showing the two existing rates per bin.
- Parse rate The parse rate is computed by the number of interpretable freetext user messages divided by the total number of freetext user messages sent in bot conversations.
- Freetext rate Total number of freetext user messages sent in bot conversations.
Message Distribution
Shows per cell the distribution of sent user messages. The presented percentages are computed by the number of user messages sent in the specific time cell (e.g. Monday(s) 08:00-10:00) divided by the total number of sent user messages in the selected time span multiplied by the time cell count (number of how many times the specific cell exists in the selected time span). Note that the computation of this chart is independent of the selected resolution.
Message per Channel
Shows the total number of user messages sent in the selcted time span categorized by channels, includeing both bot and agent conversations. Note that the computation of this chart is independent of the selected resolution.
Here we describe the summary and series charts and KPIs for the User domain.
User Summary
- Total users Number of active users in the selected time span.
- New users Number of users that have sent their very first message in the selected time span.
- Returning users Number of active users in the selected time span that were also previously active.
User Series
There is one user series KPI chart:
- Returning users Number of active users in the time bin that were also previously active.
- New users Number of users that have sent their very first message in the time bin
User distribution
Shows per cell the distribution of active users. The presented percentages are computed by the number of active users in the specific time cell (e.g. Monday(s) 08:00-10:00) divided by the total number of active users in the selected time span multiplied by the time cell count (number of how many times the specific cell exists in the selected time span). Note that the computation of this chart is independent of the selected resolution.
User per channel
The total number of active users per channel in the selcted time span. Note that the computation of this chart is independent of the selected resolution.
Here we describe the summary and series charts and KPIs for the Handover domain.
Handovers Summary
- Total handovers Total number of accepted handovers in that time span.
- Handover requests Total number of requested handovers in that time span regardless of whether they were accepted or rejected.
- Handover rejections Total number of handover rejections in the given time span
- Handover rate Number of active users with accepted handover initiated by users divided by the total number of active users. Note, each user counts only once even if the user enters handover multiple times within the selected time span.
Handover Series
There are two handover series KPI chart:
- Handovers session Total number of accepped handovers per time bin
- Handover requests Total number of requested handovers per time bin
Handover rates
- Handover rate Number of active users with accepted handover initiated by users divided by the total number of active users. Each user counts only once. A user which has been multiple times in the time span counts only once.
- Handover rejection Total number of handover rejections in the given timebin
HandoverRate distribution
Shows per cell the distribution of accepted handover users. The presented percentages are computed by the number of distinct handover users in the specific time cell (e.g. Monday(s) 08:00-10:00) divided by the total number of distinct active users in the selected time span multiplied by the time cell count (number of how many times the specific cell exists in the selected time span). Note that the computation of this chart is independent of the selected resolution.
Handover per channel
The total number of accepted handover users per channel. Note that the computation of this chart is independent of the selected resolution.
We take cohorts of new users in the selected time span and for each of the consecutive equally sized time spans we count how many users of the cohort are active during that time period. We present the total counts as well as the percentage. The original cohort is always 100%.
Retention is only available for these time spans: 7D with resolution "day" 1M with resolutions "day" and "week" 3M and above with resolutions "week" and "month"
Top 10 user intents
The 10 most frequently used user intents in the selected time span.
Intents Series
Distribution of user intent interpretations per time bin.
Creating new user intent series charts.
- Klick to create new user intent chart.
- Select the user intents which should be included in the series.
Shows the total number of user messages sent in certain channels in the selcted time span, includes bot and agent conversations. Note that the computation of this chart is independent of the selected resolution. The total number of active users per channel in the selcted time span. Note that the computation of this chart is independent of the selected resolution.
The total number of accepted handover users per channel. Note that the computation of this chart is independent of the selected resolution.