

This document provides an overview of the Mercury Analytics Tool. This document covers:

  1. Time Spans and Resolutions Selection of timespans and resolutions.
  2. Charts Description of existing charts.
  3. Filter Application of data and context filter.

Start View

When opening the Analytics tab in the web application, the following screen appears showing various informative parts:


  1. Tab where to open the Mercury Analytics Tool page.
  2. Overview of existing sub-pages each containing a set of domain charts:
    • Messages Charts regarding messages sent by users, bots, and agents.
    • Users Charts showing users and their behavior.
    • Handovers Charts focusing on human agent conversations.
    • Retention Detailed retentation table.
    • Intents Customizable charts of user intents, their occurences, and frequencies.
    • Channles Overview of existing channels and their usage.
  3. Chart View for the analytics data presentation. The Messages domain-page is selected by default.
  4. Filter section for defining context filter and reducing data included in the analysis.

Chart View

The chart view is the main window of the data presentation. It is composed of seven important parts:


  1. The name of the currently selected domain-page.
  2. The exact time span from which data points are included.
  3. A selection of pre-defined time spans.
  4. The selection of the resolution.
  5. The currently selected time span underlined with a blue line.
  6. The summary view of the selected domain. It contains the most important domain specific numbers for the selected time span.
  7. The data series view of the selected domain. It shows a set of domain specific charts.