



All filters are independent of the selected time span!

The Mercury Analytics Tool comes with a powerful filter mechanism. We provide a set of project-independent filters but can also filter users by their context parameters: Images

  1. Klick to define and add a new filter.
  2. Filters Predefined (project independent) set of filters:
    • Channel Filters messages and users by channel. Note that this filter can be added only once.
    • Had handover Filters messages and users depending on whether they ever were or currently are in handover.
    • Min. number of user messages Filters for users which have ever sent at least (>=) the provided number of messages.
  3. Context A list of project-dependent context parameters which can be used to filter the user audience.
  4. Define Filter View Dependent of the filter data type, this view provides possible filter options. Currently ththe following data types are supported:
    • String add basic string comparisons filter.
    • Number add basic number comparisons filter.
    • Boolean add basic boolean comparisons filter.

In order to active the defined filter click on Apply. the filter will now be shown in the filter list.

